last night Joy didn't run from me when I entered the cage, so I thought it would be time to open up the whole cage to them. Up to this point they only had the upper loft. Well having more than one level THRILLED Joy. She was a kitten possessed. Jumped up and down from level to level like she was in the circus. Happy was a little more reserved.
I watched them for a couple of hours to make sure they could handle it and went to bed.
Well I must have forgotten to lock the bottom door, because this morning they were both free roaming kitties. Joy was a little shocked to have me pick her up, and as a result I got a couple of small puncture wounds, but nothing serious. Happy went back very easily.
They didn't eat the food I gave them this morning. I think they prefer it in mash (soup) form, so we'll try that for a couple of days and see how that goes.. I forced some food into Happiness and she enjoyed being fed. Joy kinda likes it too.. and is currently telling me to stop typing and shove some more food in her mouth or she's going to eat my sweater. Cute little girl. She's still having problems with transitions. When I went to get her out of the cage she didn't balk at my wrapping my hand around her, but when I tried to pull her out of the cage she made it difficult by holding on as tightly as she could.
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