Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Ok, so I was sitting here uploading photos to photobucket, and I heard purring, so I turned and looked and Happiness and Joy were cuddled up in the uppermost corner of the cage (as close to me as they can get) just purring away. I thought it would be a cute photo, so I turned my camera on which of course got their attention and they sat up.

they looked so hopeful, and were purring so loudly, that I got up and went to give them attention. They kept purring and Happy reached out to me, so I thought they deserved a cuddle.. and JOY WANTED TO COME OUT!! she balked a little because I was pulling her out with one hand, but the second I supported her behind she relaxed and started purring and came right along.

so I had them side by side on my chest, giving them kisses and wrapped them up in my arms in a big hug, and they kept licking my nose (Joy likes to nibble my nose) and playing with my glasses. At this point Happiness starts to slide herself on her back and presents her belly!!!!! OMG.. *faints*

so friggen rewarding, so wonderfully amazing that I can earn the trust of such scared little kitties.. made my heart grow three sizes today..

Of course they are almost of size, so they are that much closer to going to find their furever homes now.. *sigh* but for the moment they are still mine, and they love me.

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