Monday, October 24, 2011

Breakfast Time

nom nom nom nom nom
Purr, purr, purr (do you see all five kittens?)
Thanks Mom
You're welcome, but I'm not your mom
I have been putting off doing a write up for Minerva because I'm not quite sure how to explain her Tobitude.. Anyone want to help??


  1. Cuteness....

    Writeups are so hard - we always want to be honest, but not TOO honest. :)

    "Minerva is a momma cat that not only raised her own kittens but stepped up to raise some orphans. She is a typical tortie - living life on her own terms and allowing us humans to come along for the ride. She needs a special home that is looking for fun and adventure with some love along the way."

  2. I'm at a loss for Minerva, but what charming little chubby-tubbies those kittens are.

  3. Minerva, you're sure doing a convincing job of looking like their mom to me!! =^..^=


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