Thursday, October 20, 2011


I had been going to the shelter for supplies for a few weeks and they were out of scoopable litter.  I have a plethora of litter at our home because I buy a lot of it when it goes on sale, but I knew the shelter really could use some, so when Big Lots gave out a 20% off coupon I decided to buy about $100 worth of litter for a donation.

I went down and only saw a few cases on the shelf, so I asked management if they had any more.  After the ineveitable questions as to why, they said they had recently done a donation drive for animal supplies for another shelter but since they hadn't picked it up in months, would I like to bring it down.

Well I'm never one to turn down a donation for the shelter.  I know that they also supply a local food pantry with pet food with supplies they have in excess, so even if the shelter couldn't use it, it would go to use.

So this is what $100 (almost 500lbs)  of litter looks like after I sweet talked the staff :)
I did route around in the boxes.  There was some canned food, some bags of dry and bags of litter, and a few boxes of toys.  I snagged a few of the toys for the fosters and they are already well loved.


  1. See - and all you had to do was ask about something else!! We love it when stores try to help local shelters....

  2. That's fantastic! What a great store--wonder if any of ours help out our local shelter. Good for you for sweet-talking them!

  3. Excellent timing on your part and well done on using your powers of persuasion - all for a good cause after all!!

  4. Just goes to show that what your mother always said (while she was embarrassing the crap out of you) was essentially right: It doesn't hurt to ask.

    Very impressive and commendable.

  5. Hi Connie
    This is a little off the subject but I wondered if you ever foster moms with their kittens? I am having a problem of loose poop with the mom and wondering if it is because she is nursing. Deb


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