Friday, October 21, 2011

Floppy Ear Friday

OK, so their ears really aren't floppy, but I like those types of titles, so just go with it...

Remember back on the 6th I mentioned that Rose and Rory had little gremlin ears?
I was very curious what would happen over time.. well lookie
If you click on it and see the bigger picture, you can see they still have slightly curved ear tips.  It is not as pronounced as it used to be, but it is still there.  I still think it is freakingly adorable... and apparently Minerva thinks it is just too cute for the InterWebs..


  1. They're like little elfin ears. :-)

  2. Those ears are beyond cute!!!

  3. They're so cute! I love the ears! Love these pictures!

  4. I like the tiny tufts of fur too!!!

  5. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Oh my.. Those elf ears are just too much :-)


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