Thursday, March 22, 2012

Picture Day

Which way am I going again?
That's right, this way...
OK, I'm here, now what?
Well it's about time you showed up lazy bones!
I am NOT lazy, you take that back!
Alright all right, everyone line up for Picture Day..   Yeah, lets try that again...
Good enough.. Thank you, you can go back to nursing now..


  1. Another wonderful start to my work day.... 4 adorable babies for my *sighing* pleasure! I don't think I could leave those cuties and leave for work...I guess I'm glad they're not at my house... :P

  2. It is amazing to me how different each kitten looks in size and shape. Adorable!

  3. next stop - trouble!! :)

  4. they are so little and so cute... i am in love!!!!!!

  5. Awwww, those little black boys look just like me when I was a kitten! Except *I* don't have any kitten pix because *somebody* didn't have a camera then. Sigh.

  6. Anonymous4:32 AM

    OH MY GOODNESS! Squuuueeee!!! So so cute!!!

  7. Your fosters look like mine! Gray and black :)


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