Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another Visit to PetSmart

Are you SURE you can't fit a tiny little furry boy into your life??


When I showed up a woman and her son were there, and the boy was patting Peter, but they ended up taking a little girl who just showed up that morning.  I went in and gave him some snuggles (which he wasn't up for) and gave him a once over.  His lump is still receding, but it is still there.  However, his ears are a friggen mess.  At first blush it looked a bit like an overgrown ear mite infestation with a smidge of infection going on, but as I tried to clean it, the dirt was attached to scabs which pulled off and caused quite a bit of bleeding.  In less then a week his ears went from clean to crappy.  The girl attending was surprised saying "we look at them every day".  Have to wonder what her definition of "look at" really is.

So I tried to clean his ears.  It must have been very painful because his ears turned all pink, and he did NOT want to sit still for it.  At least he wasn't aggressively reactive, just squirmy and wanting to leave.  I let him go and played with him for a while and I tried to get another peek a bit later to see what was going on.  The lighting wasn't great, and he was not cooperative,   I took a few photos, but unfortunately they aren't the clearest things

His left ear was worse then the other, but they were both effected.

Other then this though, he seemed fine.
having a snack

after chasing a toy
the girl working there told me that Tinsel went to a "wonderful home"  Like they would tell me anything else, but she said it was right down the street from her and she walks past it every day.  He will be an indoor kitty, and will most likely call him Tinney (tinny?  Tin-y?)

There was also a note left for me earlier in the week..

Tinsel went to a perfect home, they have kids and another cat.  He'll be indoor only.  Peter doesn't even care he's gone.  I know you wanted them together, but it was hindering their chances of adoption and that wasn't fair to them.  They'll be ok apart I'm sure of it and Peter will have a home in no-time.

which is amusing because six days later he's still there for adoption.

and again, it wasn't that Peter needed Tinsel per say, but he needed a friend to help him get past overwhelming events..  .. c'est la vie

So as I type, and fret, and stew, it is nap time..

Kit, Fleurp, Muffin

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on Peter. I sure hope they have a vet look at his ears. The bleeding doesn't sound good. :(


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