Sunday, November 13, 2011


Fleurp has her winter mane coming in nicely.    I also noticed that I was finally able to capture the fact that she is missing fur on her nose.  She has been since I have known her. I think it came about at the same time as her eye, which I believe was caused by her being bitten by someone bigger then she.  She has such hope and joy and believes everything she wants will come to her if she asks, and I'm sure that ticked someone off when she was a baby.  It is a little sad that she is marred because of it... but then again if she hadn't, she might not be living with me today, so I am OK with it.


  1. Such a pretty girl, missing hair and all.

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Fleurp is still a beautiful girl.

    With Phoebe, no one had adopted her from the shelter because she had a scarred eye from an old ulcer. For six months she languished in a shelter until we found her. I feel sorry for anybody who overlooks "imperfect" cats because she was one of the best cats we ever had.

  3. She's a beautiful girl, no matter about her eye and nose. We all have imperfections and scars, some of us on the outside, some on the inside, some both. :-)

  4. She is a very pretty girl. You can barely see that hair missing.
    I see that you made some bids on our auction and I was wondering if you could send me your email address, so if you win the items, I can get in touch with you. My email is Thanks so much.
    We sure all the kittens get a good home.

  5. Oh she is so beautiful... I love her markings. And that winter mane is coming along very well :)

  6. She's gorgeous, bald spot and all..I bet it gets kissed a LOT.

  7. I'm afraid I have to be stupid. What does GFS mean? While I'm asking, what is GA? Seems to indicate something akin to "Emeritus", but I haven't put the pieces together yet.

  8. GFS= Gratuitous Fleurp Shot. Fleurp loves having her photo taken and she does it so well, that I started randomly throwing in gratuitous shots of her just for her sheer beauty, or adorableness, or trying to show her pure joy over life.

    And your not stupid. I explained it a long time ago, and forget to do it every once in a while.


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