Sunday, January 22, 2012

A morning hug

Last night Jack came up and sat on my chest as I was laying in bed.  He has a habit of putting his paw over one of my fingers (OK sometimes I slip my finger under his paw) and he contracts his paw and "holds" my hand.  It is one of the things that is dear to me about my cats (along with Muffin using me as a throne and Kit's gazing with love at DH) but early this morning he did something that gave me warm fuzzies as big as the mountains..

For some reason, those first few moments of "I think I'm awake but I'm not really sure" are the most precious to my cats.  Generally I wake up with out cats but shortly there after I have four or five moving into position on me.  How they can all get along is one of the great miracles of that early morning love fest.

This morning was a little different.  I was on my side, hands under my pillow, when I felt Jack nose his way across me from my back to my nose.  This is nothing new.  Lately he has decided that I really like his cold nose on my warm neck.  What was new was that he put his paw on my chin and contracted his paw.  He was laying all over me, and I swear he was hugging me.

It was an incredibly precious gift


  1. What a darling cat. I think Audrey will look like him someday.

  2. I'm not really a lap cat, but sometimes Mom coaxes me on her "lap" when she is lying down.
    "Grey is great!"

  3. Or checking for your carotid artery.

  4. Julie says..Jack is such a sweetie! How kitties communicate with us is a miracle, a precious gift, you are so right! Geez Louise, that's why we get so darn close to each and every one of them!

    Mom Julie, Tom & Mittens

  5. that sounds very sweet. I fall asleep each night with my Buddy snuggled up with me. He either has his head on my arm or on my pillow, with my arm around him snuggling him in. And of course he's mostly under the covers! Snuggly cats are the best!

  6. Each of my kitties has his or her own version of "hugging" me. Happens too often to be a coincidence. It's oh so sweet and touching.

  7. What a sweet thing to read. Jack sounds like such a sweetheart! Receiving a hug from him sounds like a wonderful thing.

  8. He probably thought you needed resuss! So sweet :)

  9. Aww, that's darn adorable.


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