Saturday, May 10, 2003


well peanut didn't lose any weight last night. The boy tiger is now up to 4oz. I was weighing him, and charlie was getting some attention from my hubby, but the boy didn't like being pulled away from the other kittens. So he started crying.. so mom got up, and went over to him. she tried to pick him up but couldn't seem to get a good angle.. since he was in a shallow tray. She eventually got him by the foot, then carried him, by the foot, back into the cage, where she curled up with him and looked at me as if to say.. what were you doing to him!!. She didn't seem to mind I had the rest of them still. So I gave them back to her after a quick weight check. I didn't write it down, but they all seemed to have gained weight except peanut. *sigh* I hope there is nothing wrong with him, and that the others are just knocking him off his nipple

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