Sunday, September 11, 2011
I didn't think I would do a 9/11 post. The coverage of it is overwhelming as are the memories of those days. I was at work - working for an internet company at the time, and I learned of the towers falling from a friend online. The net was overwhelmed, the major news websites wouldn't load. Streaming TV wasn't even really heard of back then. Being the internet though, we didn't have a TV on sight, but someone found one and brought it in. We did little but stand around in awe.
It was the one time in my life where I searched out information on something that was currently occurring, and there was so much miss information out there and I think that made things worse.
I got home. I hugged my husband. I hugged my kitties. and I did my best to keep my head in the sand to keep my sanity.
A few days later when the planes started flying again I realized how close our house was to the airport even though we were about half an hour away. We were in the flight path, I hadn't really noticed before.. I did now. I had to keep reminding myself that my little home in the middle of nowhere had so little chance of being involved in anything.
Over the years I have kept my head in the sand. Yes, thousands of people died and yes, it changed the world. But I did my best to not let it overwhelm me. Every year I could only watch a few minutes of the coverage of the anniversery.
But this year I saw this
Remember the Cat Victims
I read Homer's story and how it effected them. But some how I never considered any other cats. I'm really glad that someone else did.
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