Sunday, December 25, 2011

Fun with Kittens

My Christmas Gift to you, your kitten fix.. :)


  1. How do you get anything done? I'd have to play ALL DAY with the troops!
    Merry Christmas from Trish and the Kats!

  2. Chrissymouse Day at the Movies!

    Very cool!

    Very exciting!

    Very fun!

  3. Thank you! I should have asked Santa for a kitten. They are so adorable. Very good job on the videos, too.

  4. What great videos - they are all having such fun and it's lovely to see them all getting on so well and happy.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Those kittens are so adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Fly fishing for Growly Mackeral Snapper! It should become an instant classic of Christmas traditions.

  7. Just joining your site if I may. Love the vids of the babies.

    I, too, would like to ask this one question. How do you ever get anything done with those little furbabies bounding around. Talk about multitasking. I'm thinking you must have a Masters Degree in that subject.

    I'm Roy Sr, and M'Lady is Lisa, and HER cats are Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Ms Princess, Ms Smokey, Tegar, and Rowdy. The cats are the 6 Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor, SouthWoodsUSA, and we LOVE your blog.

    Y'all come see us when you can.

  8. Love the kitties! What little holiday bundles they are!

    Merry Christmas and purrs from all of us.

    Tom, mom Julie & Mittens (one is enough around here, thank you!)

    Hats off, too, for all you do. Blessings in the New Year.

  9. Oh my goodness, I only just got round to watching these, what a treat! I couldn't help laughing at those little ones hanging on to that toy for dear life!! Adorable :)


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