Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's Official - Again (and stuff)

Klaatu Barada Nik(cough cough cough)OK then.. I've said the words.. 

Famous words to be said before starting an important journey.. (or in the middle really, and I suppose I'm sorta in the middle of this.. oh wait.. if you've never seen "Army of Darkness" you have NO idea what I'm talking about so I'll just stop here and go on)
I have been officially signed up for the August 14th  Hills Media Tour.. Yes, I feel a little funny about the whole thing but this really is a pretty unique opportunity that I'm really surprised is coming my way.  If anyone else is going (I've been told a few other people, but no real contact info - except that I recognize one of them from their blog) feel free to say hi!  I so hate feeling like the "new girl in school" when I go some place new.  I am way way too much like a cat..

and it is a really good trial run for heading to Blog Paws next year.  (hey, any company out there want to sponsor me for that??)

I'm guessing if I am ever going to hope to get sponsored I'm going to have to "build the brand" if you will so I'm considering creating a twitter handle for the blog.  I'm curious, when you think of this blog/me/my kitties/the fosters, do you think of me as "KittyBlog" (how I think of it) or "Tails from the Foster Kittens" (really cute title but kind of long and not all that catchy in my mind and TFTFK just seems wrong, TFK?) or just Connie's cats or some other variation?

I went to check on Fleurp's progress on the Modern Cat contest.  She's currently in 21st place.  So interesting looking at the kitties with the most amount of bids.  #1 has almost 19000 votes.  #2 16000 #3 has 2500.  City the Kitty has only 1500 (City was seen on My Cat From Hell and has healthy online following) 
So I just re-read the rules, and apparently you can vote once ever 12 hours.  I don't remember seeing that before, just that you could vote once from an IP so everyone in an office using one IP address would be counted as just one vote.

It does seem a little pointless to keep plugging for votes at this point.  There is no way my little blog is going to generate enough votes to come even close to the top two at this point, but I wouldn't mind a decent showing for my sweet little piece of joy and love,  and since this is simply a click entry (aka no regisration), I thought if you don't mind...


  1. I think of you as "tails from the foster kittens." Do you have a Facebook page? I know some other fosterers (is that a word) do that to spread the word.

    Is this Hills date a reschedule from your earlier May date?

  2. I’ve voted for Fleurp, but keep needing to be reminded lol. She’s a cute one!!

    Alliteration is good for a title. Something simple like Connie’s Cats???? BTW You come up in my blogroll as html codes before the title, but I know it’s you by now lol

  3. I think of you as "Tails From The Foster Kittens" or Connie.

    Or that woman who has the best basement in the whole world!

  4. "Or that woman who has the best basement in the whole world!"

    You are the winner of my most favorite comment ever!

  5. and yes, this is the reschedule from the May date.

  6. Rene already asked about Facebook, but I would second that. You can easily cross-post from Twitter to Facebook, so it's a good way to get some extra exposure.

  7. We always vote every morning and in the evening if Mom remembers.


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