Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Free Food and a contest..

Romeo the Cat is running a contest in conjunction with PetCo.  First off, you can stop in at an PetCo and get two cans of Royal Canin cat food free (not the food you feed your kitties, then you can donate it to your local shelter).  What fun right?  I mean who doesn't like free cat food!  And what makes it all the better is for everyone they give away, Royal Canin is donating another to the PetCo Foundation.

So the contest is that if you broadcast this giveaway you can win a chance to donate to the shelter of your choosing.  Either money if you win the grand prize or food if you win one of the two second prizes. 

so broadcast I will.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Thanks for the head's up on this. We will have to remember this the next time we head to the pet store.


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