Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kitty watch - day "this is getting rediculous"

Do these kittens make me look fat?
the sumo wrestler pose in order to eat

how bout now, do I look fat now?  no?
how bout now?
Look at her tiny rib cage.  I weighed her last night, 9lbs 6 oz.  I can only image there are four pounds of kitten in her considering how tiny she is otherwise.  either she is going to give birth to a basketball, a basketball team of kittens, or the kittens are now 3 weeks old and are going to come out with their eyes open and walking.


  1. Gosh she really is Mummy Butterball. She looks very well though, she's gorgeous and has a lovely tabby tum.

    Here's to kittens arriving soon.

    We've had a good read through your blog and we think what you do is wonderful, helping so many cats.

    We'll be back!

    Whicky Wuudler

    PS: Thanks for visiting us :)

  2. We just found you via the Cat Blogosphere and are delighted to meet you! We're three shelter adoptees living in southeastern Ontario our human, and we enjoy reading rescue/foster blogs.

    Kudos for all that you are doing; we'll look forward to following this litter of kittens from birth to (we hope) adoption!


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