Thursday, February 2, 2012

Working (or not) from home

Got these emails from my husband with the attached photos:

Skippy appears to object to the concept of me working from home.
 My reply: I think it is the work part he objects to.  I mean those hands COULD be put to better use.
A moment later... 
I mean I've heard of someone looking over your shoulder while your working, but this is ridiculous! 
my reply...
Well then stop doing it.. 


  1. I like the not working part. LOL. And I'd love to have a cat at the office. Or a dog. I know some work places allow dogs; alas, not here. So having an "assistant" when working from home is fun. (Or maybe not. Ha.)

  2. Can't Skippy make it any clearer to you? He is the Number One Priority -- not your work?

    You better gets hands on with him soon, or that back of disrespect could be permanent!

  3. LOL...these are funny! Thanks for the a person owned by cats, I totally understand :)

  4. Hee hee, been there, done that too!

  5. I would say Skippy sure has it covered!

  6. It's a conspiracy! lol

  7. LOL yes I have that problem except when I am on facebook playing those addictive games!! But usually with a upright tail in my face!!


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