Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Happy Kitten Time

Sally has a constant left over food mustache.  I keep asking her if she is saving it for later, and she just looks at me like I'm so mean for taking it off of her.  She's 1lb 10 oz.. slowly but surely that weight will get on her..
Patty is so funny.  She's a love bug and an athlete.  I rarely get both in a kitten.  You'll see the love bit in a bit.  For some reason she also reminds me of my sister as a child.
Violet REALLY wants to know what is on the other side of the door.  She threw herself from the arm of the couch (behind her in this pict) over the baby gate I use to keep the kittens in the room.  I was a little surprised that she made it, and I think she was too because she froze once she hit the ground.  I'm very glad because if she had taken off running I might still be chasing her.
Excuse me, coming through - Lucy

Little Miss Diva
Lucy reminds me so much of my own kitty Muffin.  The coloring is different but it is the placement is same on the two kitties.  The personality is VERY similar.  I have to keep reminding myself they aren't related.  The other day I went in and they were SOOOO HUNGRYYYY!!!! and the other three were under my feet, but Lucy was near by throwing herself on her side and showing me her belly.. reaching out as if on a desert and she was searching for water.. she gets the academy award for acting paws down

Here are a few more picts I just really liked:

this pict of Sally above is so adorable, I thought if I rotated it so it looked like she was "standing" that it would look a little zombie like, but it really didn't and it just ruined the cuteness of the photo..   Love her paws, LOVE her rotund little belly full of food..

She snuggled like that for a while.. She rested her chin on my chest for a bit and killed me dead with her cuteness


  1. aaaaaack!

    Ornj tuxedo kittens kill me! They are so sweet!

  2. They're ALL killing me with their cuteness. Whew!


  3. Killing us ALL with the cute. Fantastic kitten pictures, and their little personalities are really showing through.


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