Friday, August 5, 2011

Went to see Bug

When I went to see Bug originally she had a plate of dry food and that image sat in the back of my mind and worked on my brain.  At one point it came up with - wait.. Jordan had food allergies, Nigel and Lily had food issues.. And because of that they were eating grain free (ish) canned food and Bug didn't have issues.. but she had major diarrhea while being fed dry.  hum..

So I went and got some grain free food for her.  I went to the shelter to visit with her.  She looks a lot better today then she did previously..  I'm not sharing the images of her furrless butt and the knees on her back legs that are missing fur, because those are just sad.

They have her exclusively on A/D and no dry food.  they also have her on B-12 shots and Panacare.  She is so bored in her cage. I took her out and held her and she purred and rubbed all over me.  She tried nursing on me, tried routing around on me, snuggled into my arm, then turned around and started playing with my shirt.  she could not sit still.  She really wanted to get down, but there were kitties on the floor and some dry food and I didn't feel comfortable letting her down.

She laid the guilt on pretty thick as I was leaving.  I talked to the staff about the food I bought her, and my thoughts on her, and it was offered that I might want to take her back.  I suggested I could use a friend for Kate and Pippa, and the staff member I was talking to wasn't in a position to know if they thought her going into foster care was a good idea (sometimes they want to monitor more closely) so I left. 

I just got a phone call a few minutes ago.  Guess who's coming to dinner...


  1. Hurrah!! My heart just broke the last time you saw her...

  2. Aww, Bug's coming to dinner! This is so great for her! :-)

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Aww... Poor little Bug. I am glad she will be with you again for a while and hope she is a good influence on Kate and Pip :)

  4. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Yay -- thanks for rescuing Bug again!

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM


  6. Hooray! She'll get the individual care she needs!


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