Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kit Tie

I found a place where you can make a tie out of any photo and I thought how cool is that! and wouldn't it be a riot to make one for my husband out of a picture of Kit.. the kitty who LOVES him..

So what do you think.. Baby, teenager or adult Kit?
The teenager one just makes me laugh.  It was the first one I did, so that might have something to do with it.. The baby one has nice colors (with the green on it) and the adult Kit one is a bit more sedate, the blue is nice (from the jeans of the person she is sitting on)

I'm so torn.. and no, he so does not need one of each.  heck he doesn't even really need one, but I can't resist.  (and when making the jpgs of the screen shots I realized that Kit Tie typed as a file name is kittie.jpg)


  1. I am torn too. I really like the colors of the baby Kit, but the adult Kit photo is stunning. If I had to choose, I'd say baby! But they are all cool.

  2. I kinda like how the teenager one turned out. Oh, Mike woulda loved one or more of these ties with our cats on them...RIP Mike. Always in my thoughts.

  3. Really tough. They all have their "pros" and absolutely no "cons". Personally, I'm a little more drawn to the teenager or baby.

    I guess the real question is not what you or any of us think, but what would be most likely to bring a smile to Hubby's face. You are the only one of us in a position to answer that one.

  4. I like baby! Super cute!!

  5. My husband is one of those "super annoying" people who love everything! :) I figured if I could find one that got more complements here then another one then it would probably be the one to get him more complements when he wore it..

  6. We like the "teenager" best although the baby and adult look great as well. :)

  7. What a wonderful find - and thank you for sharing it! I think if you have a husband who will wear a tie with kitties all over it, you should get them all! and Keep him!

  8. I'm voting for the adult version - but I think you can't go wrong with any of them. Flip a coin! :)

  9. What all the best dressed are wearing this season! Love it!
    So glad to meet you. Thank you so much for coming to share our sadness over Elliott. I appreciate your comments.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I'm going to vote adult...


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