Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (sorta) Beauty shots

Getting glamor shots of fosters at this age gets harder and harder because they don't like to sit still for long..But is it any big surprise that most of these are of Petra?
I just love the dangling foot
Well I brought them in to be neutered today.  They will be coming back to the house afterwards to rest and recoop (and for more cuddles) and then go up for adoption on Saturday.  The big Kitten Shower is going on Saturday, which should be interesting.  Lots of people at the shelter with kittens on the brain..   I'm hoping for one person who wants four, or two people who want two who are open to their special needs and are taken by their charms.. (or three and one, or four individuals... whatever.. )


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    cute little fluffballs

  2. I like them all but the second one down is simply GORGEOUS!

  3. Wow, Petra is going to be a stunning cat. I can't believe they will soon be up for adoption. Time flies.

  4. You know, I will miss your posts about them when they are adopted! :(

  5. they should have been up for adoption a week or two ago, and would have been save for the health issues..

    and don't worry, there will be more wonderful kittens probably before these ones are adopted!

  6. They are adorable and I know they will find their forever homes. Will sure miss seeing their little faces though.

  7. Time goes so quick! I really hope they all get loving homes xx

  8. Petra totally does remind me of Wiley! The fluffy gray coat and a funny smattering of white on the face... I love it! I miss my little Wiley too..


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