Monday, May 7, 2012

not going..

Well according to the email I received at 11am this morning (and I didn't pick up till 1pm since I was frantically rushing through work so I didn't leave a pile to come home to)  Hills attempted to email me on the 2nd to tell me the tour I was scheduled to go on has been combined with a tour scheduled on August 14th.

I can't tell you how bummed I am, and not just because of the money I spent getting ready nor the fact that I was pretty much mentally prepared and packed (thankfully not actually packed though) but because we are supposed to have three days of rain here and it is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL and WARM in Topeka..

but at least I get to stay home with this..


  1. Definitely, a glass half full:)

  2. I like the consolation prize! is there room for me on that bed?!

    Will you get to go in August?

  3. Aw, what a bummer. I was very curious about the visit. However, as Collette said, Time spent with cats is never wasted. :-)

  4. That's too bad. But we think there's going to be some really happy kitties!

  5. Oh noes! I, too, was going to be on the tour on the 6,7,9 that got cancelled, but WILL be on the one in August! WooHoo, we will finally get to meet! Like you, I was disappointed, but at least I have all my questions and info all organized and won't have to do that over, hahameow!


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