Monday, July 23, 2012

Mixing kittens

Eliza and Ezra's cage really needed a good cleaning, and the kittens all really wanted to play together, so for a few minutes they did.
Must remember that my flip camera has sound and turn the TV off while recording.  Feel free to turn the volume down real low so you don't have to deal with it.

Edited: oh great, the edited video didn't make it on youtube, it should have, but it didn't.  so you have to listen to me tell Fiorella to get out of Eliza and Ezra's box.. 


  1. What a great video. Sure did make us smile. That looks like so much fun having all those kittens around but I know how much work it is too. They do have such a good time.

  2. Nothing more fun to watch then kittens playing together. :)

  3. Audio! Oh, the horror!

  4. PS--- Love the quick glimpse of Momma cleaning up Junior's butt over on the window sill.

  5. You can hardly keep up with them all!

  6. kittens always bring a smile

  7. Out Out Out! lol There is nothing better than a bunch of happy kittens :)

  8. I loved the video! See the kittens playing me a lot of fun!
    Very cute!

  9. What a great video!! Everyone seems to be having fun a lot :-) I enjoyed watching them playing, jumping, running!

  10. What an adorable gaggle of kittens! So cute!!

  11. We were starting to worry about that one kitteh kinda hiding under the bed. But we guess he was just looking for a target, cause he jumped someone just after that.

  12. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Okey just made my Mom's and Dad's day...that video was nothing but TOTAL fun, thanks


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